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Our E3 2009 Overview

by Logan

June 3, 2009

I'll highlight some games here that had no presence at any of the main press conferences, but certainly will make an impact when they're released in the years to come.

 DJ Hero/Scratch: The Ultimate DJ/Whatever the hell else there is

DJ Hero

Hey that's what we need another music game. Fill it with rap you say? Awesome idea. Ignore this shit.


 Brütal Legend

Brütal Legend

The latest creation from mastermind Tim Schafer is shaping up to be a complete blast. Laced with tons of legendary voice talent and a seemingly classic performance by Jack Black. Schafer's journey through the realm of rock and roll seems to a game teeming with personality. This is at the top of a lot of peoples lists and hopefully wont disappoint when it comes out this October...or is that Rocktober?




The new action game from Hideki Kamiya of Devil May Cry is shaping up to be the action game of this fall. Seriously, this absurdly over the top action game eats lightning and craps thunder. Breeding the unintentional humor, with tons of explosions and thumb punishing combat makes this one of the premiere hardcore titles of this holiday season.


 Mass Effect 2

Mass Effect 2

Mass Effect was one of my personal favorite Xbox 360 games, and I was a tad disappointed to see its showings at E3 this year. We're getting closer to a definite plot reveal, but we still didn't get to see this thing demoed live, and that was sort of disheartening. Regardless, the game still has about a year to release, so there'll be plenty of time to get hyped before then.


 Star Wars: The Old Republic

Star Wars: The Old Republic

With an absolutely stunning trailer, The Old Republic is generating a lot of positive feedback for itself. Without even showing actual gameplay, TOR has become the subject of much internet chatter. With the game in the capable hands of BioWare and Star Wars brand being so powerful, this might be the game with the firepower and fan base to overthrow WoW.


 Bioshock 2

Bioshock 2

Bioshock 2 is the heavily exposed sequel to one of 2007's best games. While details of the game have already flooded the net and other media outlets, the game has been rather quiet at E3. With very little news trickling out, this game loses a few points. However, this will certainly be a heavy hitter when it lands later this year.